This I believe, always take a breath before you eat a slice of pizza.
One summer ago we took a camping trip with are church to the woods.
That day we were given family activities. When we got to are first group
we were told to write down all the things we can do to be mindful in our lives.
After writing down a list of all that I could think of one really stood out to me.
Taking three breaths before you eat. So from that day on each night before
dinner my family and I take three deep breaths. It is a great way for me to
practice mindfulness. That moment when I take home my pepperoni pizza. I
sit down at my table and open that pizza box as it steam is rushing out.
The aroma of pizza is filling the air in my house I am ready to dig in and
devour that pepperoni pizza. But before I can do anything I just simply
take those three long deep breaths. In helps me realize where did that
pizza come from? All those hard workers like Dan at papa taking calls
every day and selling pizza and trying to make money. And then I think,
all the ingredients in that pizza. Tomatoes, cheese, and flour. I get to think
of all those farmers out who have to grow those juicy red tomatoes and milk
cows to get cheese and grow wheat to make flower. I think of all the hard work
that they are doing so they can make money and so they can get food on their
table every night. So, In that time of taking my three deep breaths I get to practice
sending compassion towards those farmers and papa john’s workers. Then when
that pizza is on my plate and I am ready to take that first I also get to practice thankfulness. I get to be so thankful that I have pizza and food to eat and I get to
be so grateful that I have money to pay for food and that I am able to eat food under
a roof and in a heated home and feel safe as I am eating that pizza.
And I get to feel sympathy for all the homeless out there who don’t have pizza
or food or a home. I get to feel so grateful to be eating that one slice of pepperoni
pizza. And I get I get to send out many prayers for all the homeless and all the
other less fortunate people in the world. So, next time when I order a pizza make
sure to thank those pa pa johns workers and show gratefulness towards them as much
as I can and take those three breaths to be mindful and send out prayers to all the
less fortunate.